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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Favorite Lost Episodes......

Rewatched All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues tonight with the crew at http://www.lostblog.com/ and was blown away by how amazing that episode was.  It is so easy to forget things with so many wonderful episodes but this one was packed full of mirror moments (http://lostmirrormoments.wordpress.com/) and reveals about characters that were so important to the whole series.  Boone having the red shirt conversation with Locke was priceless.  Christian and Jack in Christian's office standing together with Christian's hand on Jack's shoulder was very reminiscent of the scene at the church in The End. There were so many more and I would love to relive the all again but I'm afraid the bed is calling because I have to get up early to go to work - boo hoo! Would be fun to be independently wealthy like Hurley - even though he owed Walt $20,000 from the backgammon game. That was so funny when Hurley said he had to go to a meeting to get out of playing another game with Walt. And Sawyer and Sayid's conversation with Sawyer showing a softer side by saying he kept the fire burning for Sayid even after Sayid tortured him. I could go on and on...........