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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lost Links

My new project is to gather Lost links as I travel around the web.  I originally decided to do this as a "Favorites" list for myself but I think it will be nice to have a Lost Links list available.  I am sure with so many webpages out there dedicated to Lost that there are some wonderful compilations of Lost Links but I wanted to add my own contribution to the cause :-)  Maybe someday someone will find it useful besides me.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Others (Lost Band) - too cool

Just heard these guys and had to share:
The Others

Lost Auction - I wish I was a millionaire :-)

Just looking at the Lost items that are going to be up for auction at www.profilesinhistory.com/lost-the-auction.html makes my heart ache because I want to buy so much.  I am a collector by nature and when you add in some obsession (LOL) to the matter, it makes it even worse.  I will just keep saying to myself - you don't need that to survive, you don't need that to survive and I will ignore the voice that says but this is authentic LOST memorabilia being auctioned from ABC - this will never happen again!  Oh, it is killing me :-)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Won more Lost contests

It all started when I won a Lost Trivia app for the Iphone then I won a Lostie's Tshirt from http://www.gritfx.com/ plus I won a Lost Wristband from http://lostwristbands.wordpress.com/ . Then I won a contest from the ODI: http://the-odi.blogspot.com/2010/05/giveaway-sdcc-exclusive-jacob-and-man.html for the Jacob and MIB figures!

I am still entering any Lost contests I come across so hopefully I will win more and more!